- ◆FIFA10攻略カテゴリー◆
☆操作一覧≫ 基本操作1 基本操作2 基本操作3 ゴールパフォーマンス スキルムーブ
☆Official Tutorial≫ MyLiveSeason・VirtualPro SkillMoves PracticeArena-Basis・CreateSetPiece
BasicAttacking・SetPieces Advanced:Dribbling・Passing・ShootingBasic・Advanced:Defending
☆収録データ≫ スタジアム1 スタジアム2 サウンドトラック
☆Game Face≫ 導入偏 作成偏1
☆ドリブル≫ 基礎知識
☆パス≫ パス精度1
☆シュート≫ 概念1
- ◆FIFA11予約受付中◆
FIFA08 capture TriggerRun thorough inspection 3(a little knowledge)
I inspected it from the basic movement of the TriggerRun, but is it possible for the help to open the width of the play of all of you till now?
By the way, have refer to it by all means because think that the movement is the same only by the player of XBOX360 becoming the LB button; ask it it, and is glad.
By the way, have refer to it by all means because think that the movement is the same only by the player of XBOX360 becoming the LB button; ask it it, and is glad.
I pick up that I think that I should learn the practice of the TriggerRun before entering entirely when ten thousand are the best.
Thorough inspection 1: When I explained that I could operate the plural free-lance players who explained it by basic movement 2,I introduced it to two movement, but but can change even a condition more than three people if I gather.
This is a reference movie.
While three players who placed itself in a front as having had you look are replaced, do you dash?
This movie exercises it in order of 1-3, but it is to exercise it from the near player who is into view to want you to remember it here.
Thorough inspection 1: When I explained that I could operate the plural free-lance players who explained it by basic movement 2,I introduced it to two movement, but but can change even a condition more than three people if I gather.
This is a reference movie.
While three players who placed itself in a front as having had you look are replaced, do you dash?
This movie exercises it in order of 1-3, but it is to exercise it from the near player who is into view to want you to remember it here.