




    FIFA08 capture TriggerRun thorough inspection 1


    When can say does expression called the forward orchid which is a splendid system that I cannot tell FIFA08 without using this with the TriggerRun, there seems to be it. I call it the ForwardRun, but express it with a TriggerRun here.

    Then at first I will explain basic operation and movement. I am in condition to hold a ball as basic operation and turn to the direction of the player whom I want to send and push L1. Movement varies with the number of times to push L1 (XBOX360, LB).

    Basic movement 1
    L1: The 1st Push >> The player who is in the side starts running.
    L1: The 2nd Push >> The player who started running with the first stops.

    It is a commentary movie of  basic movement 1.

    # 1: I run without stopping until the offside line.
    # 2: I start running at a point in time when I pushed one time of L1 and think that I understand what I stop when I pushed the second.

    Basic movement 2
    I hold a ball in RightCB as a set position and turn to the direction of LeftCB, and and LeftSB - LeftCB - RightCB still assumes it with an approximately equal state.

    L1: The 1st Push >> LeftCB starts running.
    L1: The 2nd Push >> LeftCB stops, and the LeftSB starts running.

    I can operate plural free-lance players by using the TriggerRun.

    It is a commentary animation of  basic movement 2.

    I think that I understand that LeftCB and the LeftSB dash in turn and come back.
    Supplement:Because I go by the movie at a last line, the player that a TriggerRun was removed withdraws, but is not always so.

    When the removed player moves to the place that there should be now, for an image, you may learn it.
    A timing and the positioning that begin to move after the cancellation.
    "Position relations with the ball holder"
    "The place that was removed"
    "The position of the player"

    In addition, it seems that it is different by the situation of the place.

    Attention:Because I convert it with a translation tool, grammar is suitable, and please understand this article in the expression that there is not being included.



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